Case Studies/ All-on- 4 Pete is a jazz “maverick” who’s failing teeth were causing him to consider giving up playing.
For over 50 years Pete played all the great venues including Ronnie Scotts, The Barbican and The Festival Hall. However, due to a long-standing fear of visiting the dentist, his subsequent failing teeth were making it so painful and difficult to play that he was having to face giving up his beloved sax altogether. As you can probably appreciate from these photos, he didn’t like his smile and his teeth were becoming increasingly loose and uncomfortable. Like so many people in Pete’s position, he had endured these problems for many years before he finally came to The Implant Centre.

Fortunately, The Implant Centre was able to help Pete transform his life. State-of-the-art CT imaging was carried out at The Implant Centre, followed by computerised implant planning to ensure that the day of Pete’s surgery was as smooth as possible.

An Overnight Transformation
1. PLACEMENT - In a Single Day.
In a single visit, Pete was sedated while all of his loose and uncomfortable teeth were removed and four implants placed into both his upper and lower jaw.

2. PROVISIONAL BRIDGES - Fabricated Overnight
Careful impressions of Pete’s mouth were taken, and our team of skilled technicians then fabricated two beautiful fixed bridges overnight.

3. FIXED TEETH - The Following Day.
These bridges were securely attached onto the new implants and Pete walked away with a beautiful new set of fixed teeth, the following day.

Permanent Bridge
After 3-4 months the provisional bridge is replaced with the final restoration. Patient input is crucial at this stage to ensure that the final bridge is exactly what the patient is looking for. The immediate result is a wonderful new smile and as all of our patients report to us, a profound difference to their lives. Patients can immediately smile and talk with confidence, and after just a couple of months, they can then tackle whatever foods they like – often foods they haven’t been able to eat for years.

For Pete, the transformation was remarkable. He feels many years younger, his self-confidence is restored and his sax playing is better than it has been for years. Not only can he hit a few new high notes, he has re-gained an entire octave! No wonder he can’t stop smiling!
“I hadn’t realised how much I had learnt to compensate for my bad teeth, now I have got used to my new implants I have more confidence and my playing has improved beyond my wildest dreams”