Preparation Before Treatment

You will not have to change anything for the treatment we offer. As your surgery will be carried out by implant surgeons who are qualified both as dentists and doctors you can rest assured you are in very safe hands.

  • Please eat and drink fluids (non alcoholic) as normal before all procedures, do not miss breakfast.
  • Take all of your medication at normal times.
  • You will be given a prescription for an antibiotic to take. If you have any allergies make sure you have discussed this with us. The normal antibiotic is called ‘Clindamycin’ and you will have 4 purple and white capsules that should all be taken approximately 1 hour before the implant placement appointment.
  • All other medication required, and all further instructions will be given to you as you arrive.
  • It is very hard not to be nervous about treatment, but please be assured you are in very safe hands of a team that only carries out implant treatment.

Please note that there are a great deal of patient testimonials that you may also find helpful.


"The treatment I received was superb, caused no pain only slight discomfort and I am delighted with the result"
J. Townsend