Dental Implant Treatments

Dental implants are a long lasting and excellent treatment for replacing missing or failing teeth, and securing dentures. However they must be done correctly and with extreme care.

This depends on specialised dental implant treatments, using the latest materials and equipment, with highly trained staff who dedicate themselves to dental implantology.

Single tooth replacement
Replacing a missing or failing single tooth with an implant has great benefits over the alternative options of a bridge or denture...

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Multiple tooth replacement
Two or more teeth are replaced wither with single implants, or by joining two or more implants together...

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Implant retained dentures
Dentures can be held securely in place with implants...

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Types of Implant (models)
Details of the implant systems that we offer...

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Bone Augmentation
There are various types of bone augmentation that are required in some situations

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Sedation Services
The team at the Implant Centre will take the up most care in assuring your time at the centre is as relaxing and comfortable as possible...

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"I am most grateful for the wonderful and skilled job you have done, and sincerely the lower denture is now so firmly secured that I am unaware that I have a denture at all"
C. J. Letroye