Training & Lecturing


The Implant Centre have provided initial training in advanced implant restoration to over 30 dentists. With excellent feedback we are building a program of further dental implant training events and lectures at The Implant Centre. Contact Nicola for further information or to book a place on one of our evening hands-on courses.

The Implant Centre Conference - Summer 2008
click here for a review of the latest conference


Mentoring has been set for all levels of implant experience and includes practical demonstrations, hints and tips on restoring implants, and advice for treatment planning at various levels of complexity...
more information


The team frequently lecture in advanced implant techniques throughout the UK, Internationally and Online.

Bill Schaeffer has been lecturing to The International Congress of Oral Implantologists at the Asia Pan Pacific meeting in Bombay.

Guy Barwell has been involved at the forefront of technology with the latest online ‘Webinars’ – lecturing available to all. Please visit to view this lecture from the comfort of your home.


"I am most grateful for the wonderful and skilled job you have done, and sincerely the lower denture is now so firmly secured that I am unaware that I have a denture at all"
C. J. Letroye