News : All-on- 4
Patients with many missing or failing teeth can now benefit from the All-on-4 technique being used at The Implant Centre. This cutting-edge procedure can transform a mouthful of hopeless teeth into a beautiful smile with fixed bridges, literally overnight.
Our All-on-4 program has gone from strength to strength, with a new patient being
treated at least once every week. Patients with a failing set of teeth can come to
The Implant Centre and leave with a fixed bridge, firmly secured onto their new implants
the following day. No dentures. No bone grafting. Just beautiful secure fixed teeth.
The All-on-4 technique provides a patient with a fixed bridge secured onto just four
strong implants. This can restore up to twelve teeth in a single jaw; either the lower jaw,
the upper jaw, or even both. The patients are comfortably sedated for the procedure
when the implants are placed and our technicians work long into the night to craft a
long-term provisional bridge which is securely fitted onto the implants the following day.
All of our team love the moment when these bridges are fitted and another patient’s life
is completely transformed overnight.
Story continued with full case study...