Types of Dental Implant (Models)
A wide variety of dental implant systems are available.
We use the following implant systems in different situations, the
best implant for you will be chosen on clinical grounds with careful
assessment of research.
A patient-oriented, cost effective and versatile implant system. The structure-oriented
ANKYLOS® design concept guarantees for high reliability and a stabilizing effect on hard and soft tissue....

The Astra Tech implant system is developed with a biological and biomechanical approach. It is based on years of intensive research and both pre-clinical and clinical studies...

Recognised for its elegant design and simplicity the Bicon
system is locked with a bacteriological seal, so it does no require
tiny screws or multiple components ...

The most effective use of this unique dental product is stabilization of a lower denture. Because of the unique, minimally invasive procedure, the minute size of the implants, and the characteristic placement area, the typical Mini Dental Implant patient can enjoy a light meal an hour or so after having the mini implants placed...
The implants we place not only influence the long term health of your mouth, but reflect our expectations in producing an outcome that is not just good in the short term, but over many years of function.
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